An unmistakable bird of southern coasts, Brown Pelicans glide low over the surf in single file and plunge-dive for small fish with their gigantic bills. As recently as the 1970s they were nearly endangered, but conservationists brought them back from the brink by pushing for bans on DDT and other harmful pesticides.
Bird Collective will donate 20% of the profits from this patch to support Alabama Audubon’s restoration work in the Gulf Coast that provides the habitat Brown Pelicans need to thrive. All embroidered bird patches have an iron-on backing, but the adhesive is temporary. For durability, we recommend sewing or using a permanent, flexible fabric glue. Dimensions: 2.8" wide x 1.6" high.
An unmistakable bird of southern coasts, Brown Pelicans glide low over the surf in single file and plunge-dive for small fish with their gigantic bills. As recently as the 1970s they were nearly endangered, but conservationists brought them back from the brink by pushing for bans on DDT and other harmful pesticides.
Bird Collective will donate 20% of the profits from this patch to support Alabama Audubon’s restoration work in the Gulf Coast that provides the habitat Brown Pelicans need to thrive. All embroidered bird patches have an iron-on backing, but the adhesive is temporary. For durability, we recommend sewing or using a permanent, flexible fabric glue. Dimensions: 2.8" wide x 1.6" high.