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The Fine Print Book Club

Read what THNOC reads! Join us as we read and discuss books related to the history of New Orleans. Participate in virtual book discussions with staff, authors, and fellow readers! 

Our founders, Kemper and Leila Williams, demonstrated a keen sense of civic responsibility to preserve the history and culture of New Orleans. Sometimes that means that it is our mission to provoke discussion as well. In that spirit, we present the Fine Print Book Club (FPBC) and we invite you to read alongside THNOC staff as we aim to fulfill our founders’ mission. 

The FPBC is an informal learning program intended to promote dialogue and connections within our community through shared reading. We will meet approximately six times per year, but you can come, go, and participate as you please. Books and topics will vary from popular to academic, but each reading will center upon building and reevaluating our knowledge of New Orleans history and culture. The schedule will be announced well in advance so that everyone has plenty of time to find and read the book. We will send discussion prompts to facilitate dialogue along the way. 

Participation in the Fine Print Book Club is free, but participants are expected to obtain their own copy of each title, and registration is required. Sessions will be conducted on Zoom, so keep an eye on your inbox the day before for an access link. 

Please email BookClub@hnoc.org for more information on the Fine Print Book Club.

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